What restaurant chain did Carl Karcher start?
Carl Karcher a.k.a. The Creator of the BEST burger in the entire world was the founder of Carls Jr. Which happens to be the place where my first meal in California took place. I think Carl Karcher is an absolute genius. Even though McDonalds was totally giving him a run for his money, Carl never gave up the fight.
Why did General Motors want to buy trolley systems throughout the U.S.?
In the late 1920's, General Motors began buying up trolley systems left and right. Their primary goal was to rip them apart and start opening up bus lines. GM began scheming up a plan, they persuaded other motor companies to help pay the costly prices of their take-over. The whole time their ambition was to wipe our railway competition by any means.
Their plotting was quite devious in my opinion. They were using other companies greed for their OWN gain. Although I'm quite pleased that they ended up getting busted and punished. A $5,000 fine may not seem like a feasible fine but due to my prior knowledge I understand that for the 20's that was quite the pretty penny.
What was the "Speedee Service System" and how was it different from what other fast food
The McDonalds brothers began to grow unsatisfied with their carhop buisness.They were tired of their teenage customers were constantly defacing their glassware, and quite frankley they were tired of their teenage customers. So the McBrothers decided to have their chain undergo DEEP RECONSTRUCTION, and BAM! The speedee service system is born.
In 1948 McDonalds fired all their carhops and closed their doors. They began to install larger grills and then they reopened their doors three months after. In addition to the make-over to their appearence McDonalds also had a brand-new method to preparing their food. The McBros designed this method to increase speed, slash prices, and bring in more customers. As if this wasn't enough they also eliminated certain menu items, like the ones that required the use of a plate and silverware. Like many modern slaughter houses, Mcdonalds also had their workers performing one specific task repeatedly.
Other fast food restraunts, or so they claimed still stuck with the carhops. They werent as industrialized as McDonalds.
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